Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Teaching Children There is Power in Prayer!

As I watched this 5 year old boy from the Potter's House deliver this unforgettable prayer, I instantly got excited!  Then, I realized how so many churches are falling short in there teachings when it come to our youth.  How do we as a church and as parents teach our kids to walk in the power of God?   How do we expect for our children to find power in prayer if parents don't believe in the power themselves?  To see a child pray with so much power and strength is by far rare this day and age.  Considering the presence this child displayed, in this congregation of great size, shows this child has been taught the power of prayer.  The average adult would have been afraid to stand and proclaim the Word of God before thousands.  This child has brought glory and a change to the Body of Christ! 

Children usually display what they are taught!  The Bible tells us, "Train up a child in the way he should go, And even when he is old he will not depart from it." Prov. 22:6  What are we teaching or training our children to do? Sometimes we have to examine our own actions.  Because children tend to mirror their parents.  I notice my two year old daughter, watching my every step and I mean the good, bad, and the ugly.  She teaches me a lot about myself.  She wants to be like mommy, but I want her to be a better me.  In order for that to happen, I have to put my best foot forward and show her a positive example.  That means, she should see me praying, praising, reading, and being a good wife and mother.  

If you want your child to have a great relationship with God start off by explaining God and Jesus to them.  Children will ask, "Who is Jesus" and we have to be prepared to answer.  Explain to them how they are created in his imagine.  Then, I would suggest buying them a Children's Bible.  Another great relationship builder is to teach your child to pray at night before bed and over their dinner aloud.  We usually let our children take turns and we all hold hands every evening at dinner.  Each day their prayers got stronger and longer, as the kids got more comfortable.   This gives children an opportunity to do something positive for God, allows them to feel good about themselves, and puts children on a path to NOT be ashamed to pray for other or themselves in public.   

Just imagine your child as an adult, praying their way through life issues and situations.  There is no weapon greater than Prayer! It is our job as parents to equip our children, for the life that is placed in front them.  The way to equip our children for this life is to teach them "there is Power in Prayer!"


  1. So true! My nephew is coming into the age of repeating everything you say. It’s exciting to hear him say words we didn’t think he knew. On the flip side, I’ve been around young kids that have said some pretty vulgar things. Usually, my first response is, “Man, they must have learned that from their parents.” I tend to immediately assume that the parents have a dirty mouth simply by hearing the mouths of their children. As children of Christ, we should be reciting His words so that others can respond that our Father must be awesome because His words are so sweet.

  2. @Robyn- You are so right! Parents need to recognize we are our children's walking encyclopedias. lol They learn about life from us.
